Photo courtesy of Texas Black Action Fund

(Special to The Dallas Examiner) HOUSTON – Texas Black Action Fund, an entity dedicated to investing in Black-led Texas-based organizations engaging in civic engagement across the state, announced its paid fellowship program and a $300,000 investment in community-based, Black-led organizations this fall. The fellowship is designed to train and empower a pipeline of Black leaders in Texas.

“We believe it is important to invest in Texas this election cycle and beyond and this fellowship is focused on creating a foundation of Black leaders in our state,”said Resha Thomas, program director of TBAF.  

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The fellowship will provide opportunities for rising speakers and Black leaders across Texas to build a network and explore new ideas. Those selected will get trained in the best practices of organizing, coalition building and issue advocacy. The TBAF Fellowship Program seeks to invest in Black communities by identifying, educating and partnering with Black leaders on ways to advocate for solutions that will support Black civic engagement in Texas.

“Investing in Black-led grassroots organizations is crucial; these are the folks who understand our communities’ unique challenges and strengths and who are on the ground everyday making change happen. By supporting them, we’re fueling a movement that uplifts and amplifies Black voices and leadership,” said State Representative Ron Reynolds, HD-27, chairman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.

The experience is meant to help chosen participants harness strategies and techniques for work specific to Texas-based state and local political solutions. Expected outcomes for the programs are to facilitate change in the narrative and policy landscape of Black leadership in Texas.

“Texas is home to more Black people than any other state. Supporting and strengthening Black-led organizations is critical to engaging Black voters. This program is a significant and much needed step in that direction – an investment in capacity building and Black political infrastructure in Texas. We deserve an equitable Texas, with leaders and organizations who reflect the people they serve. This initiative is about achieving that goal through fostering sustainable growth and development within Black communities,” said Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee.

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