(Texas Legislative Black Caucus) – I am outraged and speechless. The blatant hypocrisy in this decision is beyond comprehension. Daniel Perry was found guilty in April 2023 of fatally shooting Garrett Foster, who was peacefully attending a Black Lives Matter protest in Austin following the murder of George Floyd in 2020.

Perry was sentenced to 25 years in prison for this cold-blooded murder. Yet, a mere day after Perry’s conviction, Abbott requested the parole board investigate and recommend a potential pardon for Perry.

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This is an all-time low, even for the governor. The evidence presented at trial included private messages and social media posts from Perry discussing what qualifies as a “good shoot” and various protest shootings. Despite this clear evidence of premeditation and malice, the governor is attempting to excuse Perry’s heinous actions.

Regardless of what anyone says, Daniel Scott Perry murdered Garrett Foster in cold blood. This pardon not only undermines the justice system but also sends a chilling message that politically motivated violence is acceptable. This decision is a slap in the face to the Foster family, the Black Lives Matter movement and to all who believe in justice and equality.

Abbott’s actions are not just disappointing-they are deeply disturbing. They reveal a willingness to ignore the rule of law and cater to a dangerous ideology that puts lives at risk. This pardon sets a dangerous precedent that undermines public trust in our legal system and emboldens those who seek to harm others under the guise of political dissent.

We must stand together against this egregious miscarriage of justice and continue to fight for the values and principles that truly make our society just and equitable. We owe it to Foster, his family, and every victim of senseless violence to demand accountability and justice. Abbott’s decision cannot and will not be unchallenged.

This is a pivotal moment for our state and our nation, and we must rise to meet it with unwavering resolve and solidarity.

Rep. Ron Reynolds is the chairman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.

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